Terms and Techniques, Elements and Principles

Accents - Notes that are played louder than the rest of the notes being played. This gives simple snare and drum rhythms more depth with different loud and soft notes.
Bar - A measure of time with a certain amount of beats and notes all according to the time signature.
Bass drum - The big drum on the bottom of the drum kit, it gives the drums an under layer.
Brushes - Usually made with wire or plastic, wire brushes are often used in jazz and softer styled drumming and create a quite and more spread out tone to the sound.
China cymbal - A cymbal that looks almost inverted, it has a quick and sharp noise and is used in hard rock and heavier music. The edges are bent upwards to prevent the ring of the cymbal.
Crash cymbal - The main cymbals used in most music involving a drum kit. Usually positioned on either side of the drum kit.
Crescendo - A type of volume raising, in which the drums are played louder and louder over a certain time.
Cymbal - The big metal things surrounding the drum kit, most of the grooves are played on or around these .
Cymbal bell - The middle of the cymbal, its raised slightly and creates a different, sharper sound when hit.  
Decrescendos -  The opposite of a crescendo, the volume decreases when this is played instead of increases.
Drum break - A part in the song where everything breaks so that the drums can play a fill of groove on its own.
Drum fill - A drum rhythm that is played on one or more pieces of the drum kit and often puts it apart from the regular drums being played. This adds complexity to whats being played.
Eighth notes - A type of note that is played, in a bar of 4/4, eight of these notes would fit in there.
Flam - Played with both sticks, two notes are played to fit into one beat, one being played first and the second being played directly after with not gaps in between.
Ghost notes - These notes are more felt than heard and involve the drummer placing the stick down on the drum to let it vibrate against the drum.
Hi hat - The main cymbal, it has two cymbals with the flats pressed up against one another, the hi hat can be opened or closed to create different sounds and dynamics.
Paradiddle - A type of rhythm that is played using a mix between of both hands, it is often played in versions like this: R L R R L R L L
Quarter notes - A type of beat, in bar of 4/4, four of these will fit into the bar.
Ride cymbal - The cymbal that is usually set up on the opposite side of the drum kit from the hi hat, its bigger than a regular cymbal and creates a more spaced out and open sound when it rings.
Rim shot - A note on the snare drum mainly that is played by hitting the rim of the drum as well as the skin at the same time to create a louder sound.
Roll - A group of notes played on a drum with speed to sound like one continuous buzz of notes.
Shuffle - A type of rhythm that's played over a 3/4 time signature and provides a 'shuffling' effect.
Sixteenth notes - A type of beat, in a bar of 4/4, 16 will fit into it.
Snare drum - The main drum apart from the bass drum, these two drums make the basis for most drum grooves.
Splash cymbal - A small cymbal that finishes ringing so its perfect for singular note crashes that need to end short and fast.  
Tambourine - A type of percussion instrument that is round and has tiny little cymbals around it.
Thirty second notes - A type of beat, in a bar of 4/4, 32 will fit into it.
Triplets - A type of beat, in one singular beat, three will fit into it.
Tom tom - The drums that aren't the snare and bass drum.

Elements of Music:

Rhythm - Beat; the regular, repeated pulsation in music. Tempo; the speed or pace of the music.
Pitch - The highness or lowness of a note in music.
Melody - A variety of pitches that creates a musical 'sentence'.
Dynamics - The loudness or softness of sounds in music.
Timbre/tone - The quality or 'colour' of sound. The characteristics of one sound against another.
Texture - The layering of the song, how all the sounds are combined together.

Principles of Music: 

Variety - Used to create interest in the song; loud to soft, fast to slow, thick and thin. 
Repetition - A part that is played over and over again, used to emphasize the theme.
Balance - The unity of various volumes and sounds.
Acoustics - How sound waves travel in different places.
Tension and Resolution - Tension can build through out the song; building dynamics, rising melody line, the use of more dissonant harmony. Resolution is the common effect that happens after tension has occurred.
Transition - Generally called a 'bridge', it is the connections of two parts in a musical piece.
Unity - Unity is how well all the individual parts of a song work together.

Words to describe Elements and Principles: 

Duration - How long notes are, legato, staccato, note values, form; how long song is, sequences
Volume - Loud/soft, forte (loud), piano (soft), accents, crescendo, decrescendo, line graph, swelling, fading
Pitch - Descending, ascending low/high, arc, concave, convex
Tone Colour - Describe colour dark/light, dirty, clean, - describe the sound, anything that colours the sound
Texture - Instrumentation, layers of sound, harmony, levels of frequency
Tempo -  Time signature, fast/slow - speed, time changes, tempo changes, description


http://www.freedrumlessons.com/articles/drum-terms.php <- Used for the drumming and musical terms

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